5 tips for getting back on track!
No matter how long you’ve been off the wagon, it’s very likely that you're feeling overwhelmed by the very idea of getting back into your fitness regime.
Remember how far you’ve come already. You’ve done it before, and you can most definitely do it again.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned fitness goer who hasn’t been working on your goals for a long while, getting back into routine can feel overwhelming.
With our 5 ultimate tips for starting your health and fitness journey, you can start making positive steps towards the best, healthiest version of yourself right this second!
#1 Don’t wait for a Monday…
…or for “after the holidays”, or for the perfect time when you have the perfect outfit or until you have started your new job…
This mindset can result in procrastinating forever, and indefinitely delaying taking those first steps on your health and fitness journey.
Instead, think about one small thing you can do right now. You could start right this second by improving your health, go and pouring yourself a glass of water, or do a grocery shop of nutritious foods for the week ahead, book in your workouts for the week in your calendar. By making that one small change you will prove to yourself you are capable and it will start to build the momentum forward.
“little by little, a little becomes a lot”
#2 Nutrition
There are no magic pills, shakes, or shortcuts to health.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but by taking the time to educate yourself about the basics of nutrition, you will place yourself well ahead of the game.Nutrition is always the first priority when getting back on track - and for many people, it’s also the hardest part of the checklist.
Focus on hitting your calories, closely followed by consistent daily protein intake. Calories are king, as your energy balance is what ultimately determines the way your physique is going to be changing.
Your protein intake is incredibly important too when you’re performing intense workouts, as it ensures muscle preservation, growth and recovery. When it comes to carbs and fats, it’s totally fine to be more flexible - so long as you’re still having adequate amounts of both.
Tip: Plan your meals in advance and sticking to the same selection for a few days helps you stay consistent without overthinking your routine.
#3 Preparation
We’ve all heard it before, preparation it key! It might seen tedious at the time, but I can guarantee you will be saving yourself a lot of time and energy by doing future you a favor.
My weeks always start with a Sunday Reset, cleaning my space, doing a food shop, and scheduling my calendar out.
I LOVE google calendar to help stay organised throughout my week. I schedule my workouts, my work life, social events and me time in every week.
When it comes to meal prep, I always cook in bulk so I have enough for leftovers the next day. It saves me so much time when my days get busy with work and I know I can conveniently grab something out of the fridge for lunch.
#3 Plan your training schedule
Plan a training schedule
The secret to fitting training into a busy lifestyle is scheduling it in, just like you would add an important meeting to a calendar.
Tip: Don’t over-commit! There’s a big difference between setting ambitious goals and setting yourself up for failure by putting too much on your plate. Be realistic and plan something you can stick to consistently.
When planning your training schedule, ask yourself the following questions:
“How many sessions per week can I do?”
“When am I going to train?”
“What is my current training focus?”
#4 Establish a Morning and Nighttime Routine.
Start with your night routine, and prepare for the next day. This could look like scheduling your alarm, laying out your clothes the night before and winding down for a good night’s sleep.
Have a “wind down” routine. At least 30-60 minutes before bedtime, put your screens down and start winding down, whether it means doing a pre-sleep meditation, reading a book, or listening to a relaxing sleep story.
Have a morning routine. Allow yourself not to feel rushed in the mornings, even if it is just 10-15 minutes to take a few deep breaths. Start to establish how you want to start your day to set the day up for success. This can look a little different for everyone, but taking time out in your morning for yourself to look after yourself is so important.
My current routine looks like wake up early at 4:30/5am, no snoozing, coffee, 3 deep breaths, workout gear on and off to the gym, then come home, cold shower and ready to start the day. This is what works for me.
#5 Drink plenty of Water.
Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water - to maintain temperature, transport nutrients, remove waste, or lubricate joints, not to mention the beauty benefits too.
Tip: Get yourself a big water bottle (that holds 2 - 2.5 L ideally), and aim to drink most of it by 3 pm to ensure you’re staying hydrated throughout the day.